
The Greatest Duke (TGD)

Project maintained by don-tay Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

The Grandest Duke User (TGD) Guide


The Grandest Duke (TGD) is a task tracker desktop application aimed at helping user keep track of their daily tasks. It has a clean and simple GUI which accepts user keyboard input as its main mode of interaction.

Quick start

User input commands are entered in the highlighted field. Press the ‘SEND’ button to send commands to TGD.

Note: Unless stated otherwise, all input commands in TGD are non case-sensitive


1. Adding a task : todo, deadline, event

There are 3 types of tasks that you can add to TGD:


todo <task description>
deadline <task description> /<preposition> <date> <time>
event <task description> /<preposition> <date> <time>


  1. Date in YYYY-MM-DD format
  2. Time is optional
  3. Task description is case-sensitive and will be reflected in the list accordingly

Example of usage:

todo read a book
deadline AI project /by 2019-12-30 1300h
deadline CS Assignment /by 2020-01-15
event Birthday party /on 2020-03-30 4pm
event Networking /on 2020-05-01

Expected outcome:

When adding the commands in ‘Examples of usage’ in order, upon entering the 4th command event Birthday party /on 2020-03-30 4pm:

Got it. I've added this task:
[E][X] Birthday party on Mar 30 2020 4pm
Now you have 4 tasks in the list.

2. Viewing all tasks : list



3. Mark task as done : done


done <task index>

Note: Task index is the task’s number obtained from the list command

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

With the existing tasks in the list,

Nice! i've marked this task as done:
    1.[T][✓] read a book

4. Delete task : delete


delete <task index>

Note: Task index is the task’s number obtained from the list command

Example of usage:

delete 2

5. Find task in list with keyword : find


find <keyword>


  1. Keyword must be either
    • Task description obtained from the list command
    • Existing task type (ie. task, todo, event, deadline)
  2. Keyword ‘task’ will show all tasks (ie. same as list)
  3. Search is non case-sensitive

Example of usage:

find read

Expected outcome:

With the existing tasks in the list,

Here are the matching tasks found in your list:
    1.[T][✓] read a book

5. View TGD stats : stats



6. View simple help : help



7. View detailed help : help-detailed



8. Exit TGD : bye

